My Charity Connects

Finding the Social Media Secret Sauce

So this week is Net Change Week and I've been lucky enough to be able to attend one of its events, My Charity Connects, on behalf of jhr. Bright and early on Monday morning, I joined hundreds of individuals working in the non-profit sector to explore the current technological landscape and how our often overlooked and underestimated sector could leverage it to make some very real and positive changes. Held at the MaRS Discovery District, the stage was set for an exciting two days full of workshops and speakers covering topics from social media, mobile technology, analytics, and all that super hi-tech Jetsons-like good stuff.

Before anything else...let me just say that I was blown away by the amount of information and insight each speaker had to give. So many tools, so many websites, so much of everything! Each workshop introduced all kinds of technologies and strategies (both familiar and unfamiliar) to help us with specific problems we would encounter...information overload? Set up filters on your email, use RSS feeds. Want to market your non-profit more effectively? Rework and repurpose your current content, create multiple versions for different media, develop a strategy that mobilizes your core digital volunteers, solve a need. Want to measure analytics? Google Analytics, radian6, netvibes, yahoo pipes.

Zing, boom, wham, and bam! It's incredible. Awesome. But mind-blowingly overwhelming.

Continue reading on jhr Founder Ben Peterson's blog (P.S. you might find the sauce there!).