This might sound dramatic (or perfectly accurate), but the mood these days is really giving ✨societal collapse.✨ I’ve been finding it difficult to do anything over the last few weeks. When I scroll through my social feeds or read the headlines, there is just no end to the bad news and I’ve been paralyzed over what I should and can do.
I’m slowly trying to crawl out of that endless loop because I know that all of this chaotic destruction is a deliberate tactic and distraction from what I know in my bones should be our course of action. I know that to give in to the despair would be to give in to systems of oppression and that’s just not what we’re about here.
For the last year, I’ve been studying the work and words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and I came across his address before the First Annual Institute on Non-Violence and Social Change in 1956 called Facing the Challenge of a New Age. I share it with you here:
“But far from representing retrogression and tragic meaninglessness, the present tensions represent the necessary pains that accompany the birth of anything new. Long ago the Greek philosopher Heraclitus argued that justice emerges from the strife of opposites, and Hegel, in modern philosophy, preached a doctrine of growth through struggle. It is both historically and biologically true that there can be no birth and growth without birth and growing pains. Whenever there is the emergence of the new, we confront the recalcitrance of the old. So the tensions we witness in the world today are indicative of the fact that a new world order is being born and an old order is passing away.”
He was, of course, speaking during the time of the Civil Rights Movement, which brought an end to segregation and ushered in a new era of integration and equality. While I might simply be wishcasting here, I’m taking his words as relevant to today’s current events – as an indication of a new world order on the horizon.
Dr. King goes on to say: “Let nobody fool you, all of the loud noises that you hear today…are merely death groans from a dying system.”
And wow, are those death groans loud and unbelievably obnoxious, or what?!